"Netflix" drives the spectators to faint, nausea and horror

An overwhelming feeling of "nausea" and "fainting" was seen by viewers of the new "Netflix" series, which caused a sensation one week after its release due to its frightening events.
"The Hunting of Hill House," or "The House of the Living Mountain," speaks of an American family that has suffered a lot of trouble after staying in a haunted house in the middle of the forest.

Despite the positive reviews of the series by television critics, the experiences of some viewers may distance many from starting to watch, according to the site of the station "CTV".

And the number of people who watched the series on Twitter, expressing their sense of horror after watching the full series, consisting of 10 episodes.

And a number of followers of the inability to sleep after watching several episodes of the series, according to the site.

"How can a horror series make you feel scared and sad at the same time, my God?"

He added another: "This series makes me feel the desire to drain and cry and lighting all the lamps."

Stephen King, the famous horror storyteller, praised the American series: "This is a great work, close to genius."

Netflix, which specializes in movies and serials, presented its new work on October 12 with its full episodes, to be highly acclaimed only one week after its release.