He lost $ 35 million in one hour because of the sex scandal

In "shocking" statements, famous comedian Louis CK confirmed that he had lost tens of millions of dollars in one hour as a result of the sexual scandal that had plagued him.
In a New York Times report, five women reported details of sexual misconduct suffered by comedian Louis CK, including three women, who said he had "grossly committed" them.

Although initially denying it, CK admitted the disgraceful conduct later on.

Louis CK returned to the stand-up comedy show again in August, provoking a number of women's rights activists.

The site, "Love Spin" NCK finally touched on the subject in his latest comedy show, where he confirmed that the scandal "led him to hell," and allegedly lost $ 35 million in one hour, after the scandal.

Two women who had been sexually assaulted by KK responded to his recent allegations, asserting that their everyday fear and threats far outweigh the loss of the PK since the scandal.

A large number of Twitter users also attacked the comedian and confirmed that the victims' loss was far more than their material losses.