Wednesday .. The official opening of the longest statue on the ground

After five years of work and costing hundreds of millions of dollars, Indian authorities are preparing to unveil the world's tallest statue in a few days.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Moody will unveil the statue on Oct. 31 to mark the birth of Sardar Valabay Patel, one of India's founding fathers, the Daily Mail reported.

The statue is 182 meters long, twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty in New York, and the tallest statue in the world is now 30 meters long, the statue of the Buddha's Spring Temple.

The interior of the statue has a hall that offers 200 visitors a wide view of the surrounding area.

Indian authorities began construction of the statue five years ago, and monitored a huge budget that drew several criticisms, and participated in the construction of hundreds of engineers and thousands of workers, and used millions of tons of cement and steel in the process.

The statue is a mixture of concrete and steel, covered by an outer layer of bronze, located on one side of the Narmada River, in the state of Gujarat in northwest India.

Patel played a major role in his country's struggle for independence from Britain, and made great efforts to preserve the unity of the Indian nation, and died in December 1950.