According to each country .. so the Arabs accept some of them

The moments of mutual kissing between friends are moments of affection and love, but they are not without confusion sometimes, because of the different customs of kissing from one country to another.Gulf

In Arab Gulf societies, the way kisses differ when meeting people with prior knowledge from one country to another.

For example, in Kuwait and Bahrain, the two faces converge on the right to form three kisses, usually in a rhythmic fashion.

The Emirates are the months in the way of kissing noses among men when greeting, called "Mawaya". It is the adhesion of the nose with the extension of the hands for peace. The method is different in the other Gulf countries. It is not necessary to accompany the handshake.


Kisses in Syria and Lebanon are usually followed by three kisses, starting with Yemen, then left and then right, the most common in the Arab world.

In Jordan, men kiss one on the right and two or more on the left, preferring the left cheek on the right in greeting.

Arab Africa

Unlike other Arab regions, Egyptians begin to greet a kiss on the left, then move to the right, and only two kisses, either between men or women.

In Morocco, 4 kisses on the cheeks are distributed equally among men.

It is an irony that men in Sudan do not use kissing to greet, but simply shake hands and touch each other's shoulders, each putting his right hand on the other's shoulder.