My poll identifies "the most pessimistic people" on Earth

World opinion polls do not stop at the degree of people's satisfaction, happiness and even the narrowness and difficulty of their lives, but the latest Gallup poll highlights the plight of a country teeming with violence.
The Afghans are more pessimistic than ever before, and they rank first among the rest of the world as to how bad they expect the future to be in their war-ravaged country, according to a poll released by the American Institute.

In the poll, Afghan respondents were asked how they expected their lives to be five years later and to assess this outlook with a score of one to ten. The average score they gave to their outlook for the future was 2.3, 10, the lowest mark ever recorded by the US Institute in a country , Since he began conducting such surveys around the world in 2006.

As for their assessment of their standard of living today, gave the Afghans, according to the poll, a score of 2.7 on ten, which is also the lowest result recorded by the Institute in the world, as quoted by "AFP."

In a similar poll conducted by the Institute in 2016, the Afghans gave their day a mark of 5.4 on the level of life they expect five years later.

The poll was conducted in July on a representative sample of 1,000 people in a direct interview.

In the first nine months of this year, more than 8,000 people have been killed or wounded in Afghanistan, which means that the country may be at the end of this year the number of war casualties in 2018.