Parents instruct their children to wash their hands with soap and water before eating from an early age, but some people sometimes neglect this healthy habit and expose themselves to serious illnesses.
By October 15, Monday, health experts gave World Handwashing Day an effort to educate people about the health benefits of this simple and important step in terms of benefits.
Washing the hands with water and soap removes germs and protects against serious health problems such as stomach and intestinal infections and hepatitis A, according to Bold Sky.
Health experts explain that several bacteria are invisible in the air and settle in the hands of humans and the rest of the body, and therefore it is required to wash before eating, even if it is thought that his hands clean and did not get dirty anything.
For proper hand washing, it is recommended to follow a series of steps. First, the water should be clean and clean, and then the person should pour drops of soap on his hands and connect them.
Proper cleaning requires rubbing all areas of the hand, whether it is with the back, fingers or under the nails. This process requires at least 20 seconds, ie, the urgency may not achieve the desired goal.
When cleaning is complete, the person should pass the water over to his hands again before drying with a clean handkerchief or using an air drying machine.
According to this, hand cleaning requires several steps, because using improper water or drying with a dirty cloth or towel may lead to more germs.
Kitchen users who prepare food need to be more adhering to these strict standards of cleanliness because the dishes they attend may become a habitat for bacteria if they do not observe these details.
In the kitchen, wash your hands after touching the raw foods, keeping them away from cooked foods, and recommend not to neglect anywhere in the kitchen, whether it's a cupboard or a refrigerator.