Tourism - Travel - Travel: Intercity Distance in Australia

The best places to travel and travel in the world: Tourism - Travel - Travel: Distance between cities in Australia

Australia is a sovereign country that includes the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and many smaller islands, the largest country in Oceania and the sixth largest country in the world in terms of total area. Neighboring countries are Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and East Timor to the north, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to the north East and New Zealand in the south-east. The population of 25 million is largely religious. The Australian capital is Canberra, with Sydney as its largest city, and the other major metropolitan areas are Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.


About Australia

Australia was inhabited by indigenous Australians for nearly 60,000 years before the first British settlement in the late 18th century. The European discovery by the Dutch explorers in 1606, called New Holland, was called Great Britain by Eastern Britain in 1770 , And a colony was established there. By the 1850s, most of the continent had been explored, five additional colonies had been established, and on 1 January 1901 the six colonies had united to form Australia. Australia had since maintained a stable liberal democratic political system, Thadah comprises six states and several regions.

Australia has a total area of ​​717,179,302 square kilometers (2,941,300 square miles), a huge country with a wide range of landscapes, with deserts in the center, tropical rainforests in the northeast and the South-East mountain range. Australia generates income from various sources including Mining, communications, banking and manufacturing exports. The original Australian rock art is the oldest and wealthiest in the world, dating back 60,000 years and spread across hundreds of thousands of locations. Australia is a highly developed country with the world's third largest economy with the third highest index For development The United Nations, the Group of Twenty, the Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Trade Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, the Pacific Islands Forum, and others .

The distance between Australia's top five cities is the city of Sydney
Sydney is the capital of New South Wales, Australia. Sydney is located on Australia's south-eastern coast, the country's largest city. Its impressive port and strategic location is one of the most important ports in the South Pacific. In the early 19th century, Small, and the first settlers had barely penetrated the interior. They had already established trade with the Pacific islands, India, China, South Africa and the Americas. Sydney is about 290 km from Canberra, 180 miles, Only half an hour drive away.

1- Brisbane City

Brisbane is Australia's third largest city, with a population of 2,308,720. It is the capital of Queensland. The city was first established as a colony of secondary aggressors from Sydney but turned into a free settlement by 1842. Today, the city is home to a diverse population, 29.7% Born in a foreign country. The most common countries are the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China and India. The city also has the largest number of Taiwanese citizens in the country. Brisbane has the second highest growth rate for all state capitals, and the economy relies on information technology, finance and education. High, and public administration. Brisbane is about 779 km from New Castle, 921 km from Sydney, Adelaide 2000 km, Hobart 2388 km, and Townsville 1353 km.

2- Perth City

Perth is the fourth largest city in Australia with a population of 2,022,044 in Greater Perth, the capital and largest city in Western Australia. Perth is the most developed city in all of Australia. The city is located next to the tranquil waters of the Swan River, Twenty kilometers from the Indian Ocean on the west coast of Australia, Perth is about 3934 km from Sydney, about 4392 km from Gold Coast, about 3,695 kilometers from Guilong and about 4306 kilometers from Logan City.