What happens to your body if you do not drink enough water?

Water is about 60 percent of the human body. To be healthy, it is important to consume enough water a day, because moisturizing is essential to help all organs work efficiently.
The average person should drink about two liters of water a day, and the amount increases in high-temperature areas, and if he does not care about it, he is likely to face five problems.


Lack of fluids in the body leads to constipation. While we tend to think of fibers as a primary cause of constipation, too little water can be the cause of constipation.

Although the fibers help to remove toxins from the intestines, these toxins can not get out of the body without being expelled, and only with water.

Dry skin

If the body does not get enough water, the effect can be felt on the skin. The lack of water causes the skin to dry.

The symptoms of water shortage and lack of oil in the skin are similar, as this deficiency can lead to itching, allergies and peeling, which threatens the skin's ability to repel any possible pathological attacks.

Problems with kidney, bladder and urinary tract

There is a symbiotic relationship between the kidneys and the water. The two kidneys regulate the water balance in the body, which are in constant need of water to expel the waste from the bloodstream.

The kidneys along with the liver regulate the body's natural filtration, so they need water to work properly. If you do not have enough water, you may end up with infections in the urinary tract and bladder.

Feeling hungry

Lack of water A person may feel hungry. If you have just eaten but do not feel full, try drinking a glass of water, because this can make you feel full.

Feeling of dispersion and fatigue

Lack of water in the body can affect the energy cells and perception, making it difficult for the body to stay on sound alert. The body also needs oxygen to carry out daily vital functions, and water is an important source.