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- 10 types of killer cancer .. and symptoms warn you
10 types of killer cancer .. and symptoms warn you
The world is living with a killer monster called "cancer", breaking into the life of the owner without permission, but 10 types of deadly disease has become infected human beings, accompanied by some signs that may give a severe warning to the patient.
According to recent medical studies, one in every two gets cancer at some point in our lives, but some cancers are more deadly than others.
This is why it is necessary to know the signs early, giving the patient a glimmer of hope to survive before it is too late, according to the British Sun newspaper.
Lung Cancer
This type of cancer is responsible for the deaths of nearly 20,000 men a year and about 16,000 women, making it the deadliest disease.
There are different types of lung cancer, but the two main types are non-small cell lung cancer, the most common type, and small cell lung cancer, which tends to spread more quickly and is often at an advanced stage when diagnosed.
Common symptoms:
Cough, inability to breathe, chest pain, feeling tired, loss of appetite, weight loss, and change in tone of voice, turning into a "hoarse voice" with blood in the mucus or phlegm.
If you have these signs, this does not necessarily mean that you have lung cancer, but it is important that these symptoms are checked by your GP.
If you have a tumor that has spread outside your lungs, the first symptoms may include: back pain, bone pain and nerve damage, which may affect walking, speaking, behavior, memory, and difficulty swallowing.
Bowel cancer
It is the fourth most common type of cancer in the UK, with about 42,000 diagnosed annually, while the diagnosis of the disease in its early stages helps to survive.
But type 2 disease is the deadliest, noting that most people are not diagnosed in a timely manner, amid calls to reduce the life of the examination from 60 to 50 years.
Common symptoms:
Bleeding from the ass and blood in the stool, constant and unexplained change in the bowel habit, abnormal weight loss, extreme fatigue, pain or abdominal tumor.
Prostate and breast cancer
Both prostate and breast cancers are equally common among men and women. Prostate cancer has been diagnosed in one in eight men at some stage, with the same number of women having breast cancer (plus one in 870 men).
Medical studies indicate that there are no known causes of breast cancer in some women. About 5 percent of the people diagnosed have one of the known breast cancer genes.
One of the leading causes of breast cancer is the age and family history of the disease, taking into account overweight, hormones, alcohol and smoking.
While the aging and family history of men makes them among the most susceptible to prostate cancer.
Common symptoms:
Most men have no signs in the early stages of prostate cancer, but once you notice a change in urination you should go to the doctor.
There is also difficulty starting to urinate or empty the bladder and a weak flow when urinating, feeling that the bladder is not emptied properly, urinary incontinence and need to urinate constantly especially at night, the sudden desire to urinate with the inability to save.
At an advanced stage, symptoms include back, hip or pelvic pain, and abnormal weight loss.
The symptoms of breast cancer are a change in size or shape, the presence of a lump in the breast, and change in the skin tissue such as wrinkles or skin color change, with pain in the breast or in the armpit area and bulge in the armpit or around the collarbone.
Pancreas cancer
The vast majority of cases of pancreatic cancer begin in cells that make enzymes, but the less common type starts in cells that make hormones.
People with blood groups A, AB and B may be at slightly higher risk of infection, while the blood group O may be less.
Like many of these diseases, pancreatic cancer often does not cause early signs, but when it grows it causes some effects such as irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, gallstones or hepatitis.
Common symptoms:
Abdominal pain, back pain, rapid weight loss, indigestion, loss of appetite, changes in bowel habits, diabetes, food digestion problems, difficulty swallowing.
Esophageal cancer
This type of cancer mainly affects people in their 60s and 70s, which is more common in men than women.
It is caused by some lifestyles such as smoking, over-drinking, weight gain, and unhealthy diet low in fruits and vegetables. Can increase the risk of injury.
Common symptoms:
Difficulty swallowing, the feeling that your food is sticking to your throat or chest, weight loss, vomiting, indigestion, heartburn that does not disappear, cough and change in the tone of the voice "hoarse voice" and mild pain or discomfort behind the chestbone or back.
Liver Cancer
There are two types of liver cancer, the second of which is more common in patients with bowel cancer, pancreas, stomach and breast.
The first type is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, often due to hepatitis B and C and excessive alcohol intake, as well as fatty liver diseases not associated with alcohol.
Common symptoms:
Often there are no symptoms in the early stages, but signs can include fatigue, weakness and a general feeling of bad health, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, pain in the liver area, itching in the skin, dark urine and gray stools.
The person must seek medical advice as soon as possible if the skin and eyes turn yellow, which is often the first sign of the disease, swelling of the abdomen due to the growth of the cancer itself or accumulation of intracellular fluid (ascites), fever with high temperatures and humidity , Blood when vomiting, dark black stool.
Bladder Cancer
About 10,300 people are diagnosed with bladder cancer every year in the UK, being more common in older men, but things like smoking, diet, alcohol, early menopause (before age 45) and weight gain are factors Causing malignant disease.
According to medical studies, hairdressers are at higher risk of developing bladder cancer because of the chemicals found in some hair dyes, while having children reduces the risk of infection in women who have not given birth.
Common symptoms:
Blood in the urine, pain or burning when urinating, weight loss, pain in the back or lower abdomen or bone, feeling tired and tired.
brain cancer
There are more than 150 different types of brain tumors there, and those that grow rapidly are known as high-quality brain cancer 3 or 4, while levels 1 and 2 tend to refer to non-cancerous tumors that grow more slowly.
Medical studies have said no cause of brain cancer is known, but your genetic components and exposure to radiation (such as radiotherapy as a small child) is a risk factor.
Common symptoms:
Headaches, changes in vision, nausea episodes, sudden sleepiness, and disturbances in the natural brain functions.
In children, the symptoms of vomiting are persistent, nausea for 2 weeks, frequent headaches (during a 4-week period especially when waking), abnormal eye movements, behavior change, and poor vision.
Cancer of the lymph nodes
This is a cancer that starts in the white blood cells and attacks the lymphatic system (part of the immune system). More than 13,000 people are diagnosed per year and can occur at any age, although a third of cases are diagnosed in people over 75.
The enlarged glands in the neck, armpit and thigh are the main signs, but many of us get inflamed glands, so be careful and visit your doctor if swollen glands for more than 6 weeks.
Common symptoms:
Painless swellings in the neck, armpit or thigh, night sweats, fast weight loss, fever, shortness of breath, continuous itching of the skin, swollen tonsils, swollen stomach, rashes, nasal bleeding.
Cancer not specified
This type occurs when the cancer spreads in the patient's body, but doctors can not find the place where it started, and it is difficult to detect the symptoms of the disease.
Only about 20 percent of people survive one year or more after getting a diagnosis.
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