3 million Venezuelans "fled" from hunger

A joint statement by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) says that the number of refugees and migrants from Venezuela worldwide has reached more than three million so far.
According to data from the national immigration authorities and other sources, some 2.4 million refugees and Venezuelan migrants are hosted by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the rest are distributed to other regions.

The statement welcomed the fact that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean largely maintained the open and commendable open-door policy for refugees and migrants from Venezuela.

In recent years, Venezuela has been experiencing an economic crisis and political instability. According to the Venezuelan parliament on Wednesday, the country's inflation rate rose from 280,000 to 833,000, according to the annual rate.

The International Monetary Fund predicts annual inflation in Venezuela this year will reach 1 million.