A clever trick to discover who banned you on WatSab

At times, a user sends messages to another party, without any response, in which case the recipient is likely to block the sender.
To make sure that someone has noticed you on Watsab, there is a reliable way to resolve the matter.

But before resorting to that method, there are some reliable indicators to verify the ban.

When you open the account of the person, who you want to make sure that he or she has blocked you, Wattab will not find under his name the information that indicates the last appearance.

When someone prohibits someone else from logging in, the taboo will not be able to see the Profile image of the person who blocked it.

Another sign that someone else is blocked is that the voice call tag does not appear when you open a conversation with them via Wattab.

The ban issue can also be confirmed by sending a message to the suspect and then monitoring the gray and blue signals that indicate the arrival of the message.

If a single "gray" signal remains only gray when the message is sent forever, it means that it has not arrived and that there is a high probability that the ban will occur.

But all of these previous indicators may not be sufficient as evidence of the ban. Some may show applications that hide the subscriber's status, date of appearance, profile image, and message receipt.

And the last thing you can try to break the uncertainty is to create a group on Watsab and add the suspect to that group, and if you can not add it to that group, it unfortunately means that it has blocked you.

When you try to add that person to the group, you will not succeed even if you try again, and you will not get any error message from WatSab.