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- A loophole threatens user data .. and "Facebook" intervenes
A loophole threatens user data .. and "Facebook" intervenes
Facebook social networking experts have succeeded in fixing a gap that has threatened user data and made it visible to everyone, the Daily Mail reported.
The source said that Facebook officials closed the gap in May, after first discovered by the cyber security company "Empire".
The company found the flaw in Facebook's "search feature", allowing spiders and curious people to know all your activities on the site, such as "your love, your blogging and your friends."
The security researcher, Ron Masas, explained that the Facebook search bar was not protected from CSRF breaches, meaning that a simple movement of some user profile data can be accessed.
"The gap did not pose a threat to user accounts, but they expose their information to the risk of exploitation by advertising companies."
"We appreciate the report of the researcher who submitted it to our program to close the gap," the company's spokeswoman, Margarita Zolotova, said. "The problem has been fixed and no problems have been identified."
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