A mysterious sea creature in the object of a space object scares New Zealand

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Zealand citizen Hannah Marie was surprised when she found a "spacewalker" on the shores of New Zealand, followed by a powerful storm that struck coastal cities.
Mary did not hesitate to take many pictures of the "strange" creature, before publishing his picture on Facebook, calling on friends to help her know what it was, Fox reported.

The strange picture was a great interaction on social media, so the news spread to the New Zealand media.

After general attempts to define the creature, which some have described as "the ugly space object," some scientists have come to express their views on the subject.

"This creature is a New Zealand-style squash, like a flat-shelled pony, with a skeleton made of cartilage, and usually spends most of its life on the ocean floor," said marine scientist Malcolm Francis.

The length of the New Zealand mollusks is full, usually 213 meters deep on the seabed.