After the announcement of regret for the use of sharp tone .. Trump back "ridiculous"

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump expressed regret at using a sharp tone in his first two years in office, but at the same time launched a scathing attack on a number of Democratic lawmakers on the eve of midterm congressional elections.
Asked if he was disappointed in his first two years as president, Trunk said: "I say the tone."

"I would like to speak in a much less intense tone," he said, "I feel to a certain extent that I have no choice. Maybe I could have been less severe than that."

Trump made a number of media interviews and participated in rallies in Ohio, Indiana and Missouri on the eve of the election, which will determine whether his Republican Party will retain control of Congress.

During his remarks on Monday, he showed no sign of his desire to be different and less sharp. Democratic candidate for the post of governor of Ohio, Richard Cordray, called him a "bad person".

He also went back to familiar topics, where he ridiculed Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, calling it "Pocahontas" to Native American Indians.

Trump said he was not satisfied with the sharp criticism in the US political discourse, but attributed it to the election season.

In Indiana, Trump said the Democrats were encouraging "the millions of foreigners who entered the country as illegal immigrants to break our laws, violate our borders and invade our country."

"This is not racism, the issue is that people have to come to our country in legitimate ways, otherwise you will not have a country," he said in the interview.