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- "Alarm clock" may lead to death .. How to avoid the danger?
"Alarm clock" may lead to death .. How to avoid the danger?
Most people rely on the alarm clock to wake up, but they do not know the health risks behind this use, which is repeated daily.
The Daily Mail reported that Americans consider the alarm clock to be the second most hated invention in society after the mobile phone. "It is not difficult to understand why," the newspaper said.
She explained that the alarm clock implants in the human psyche fear, panic and distrust, noting that the sudden waking up every morning may have a risk to heart health. "You do not have to be a doctor to know that the alarm clock is a real danger to your heart," she said.
In a study conducted by the National Institute of Health in Japan, participants were forced to wake up suddenly over a number of days, and experts found that this group is suffering from an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
Dr Chris Edjikovsky, of the Edinburgh Sleep Center in Britain, said changes in the human body during sleep make him weak if he receives a sudden wake-up signal, whether it is a wake-up call, a cry, a loud laugh, or a loud laugh.
"During sleep, the person is almost dead, which means that the blood pressure and heart rate are constant, but all of these things may turn over if you wake up in panic, which can sometimes lead to a heart attack."
Among the tips offered by experts to avoid "the risk of an alarm clock", tame the body to wake up naturally and in a timely manner. Through a series of steps, you can train your body to wake up daily at the time you want, without having to rely on the alarm clock.
One of those means is the "sunrise": Our ancestors would wake up in the light of day, after sunshine, so sleep in a room where a little light is allowed, which will be your guide to wake up.
Experts also suggest that you remind yourself, before your bedtime, of the hour you want to wake up, to prepare your body for it.
If it is necessary to use the alarm clock, it is recommended to use nice and quiet music.