The Blue Council .. How will it affect the rest of Trump's state?

With Democrats controlling the majority in the US House of Representatives, they have the power to block the legislative agenda of US President Donald Trump. But what is the imprint of the stained-glass board in the democratic blue color on politics in Washington in the next stage?
The Democrats, for the first time in eight years, broke the Republicans' control of the House of Representatives with 221 seats so far, with 229 seats expected when the final results are announced. The Democratic Party won only 195 seats in the previous session.

In contrast, the Republicans strengthened their grip on the Senate, winning 51 seats, compared to 44 seats for Democrats to date, while there are still 5 seats are not yet settled.

When Republicans had absolute control of Congress in the first half of Trump's term, the US president complained about the obstacles Democrats put in front of his policies and legislation, but now the obstacles seem to be a reality.

Trump wants to pass legislation in immigration and medical care, a new package of tax cuts and citizenship law reform, and his plans to build a border wall with Mexico.

The Democrats' control of the House of Representatives means that they will run all the committees of the Council, from the Internal Oversight and Reform Commission, to the Roads and Transport Committee, and the Democrats will control the agenda and the investigations.

The Democrats will also have an institutional push to continue investigations, protect the work of investigator Robert Mueller, in the case of Russian interference in the presidential election, and the possible conflict of interest that the Trump electoral team might have been involved in.

However, observers have ruled out the use of Democrats for his recent promotion of measures to isolate the US president. The issue has not really raised the issue of campaigning, while Democrats have focused on issues of concern to the middle class and will have to reach achievements in these areas, As a priority so as to strengthen their position in the 2020 elections.

On the federal budget, the existence of a divided Congress, the parties will have to reach a settlement in this regard, after the Democrats have the ability to disrupt the passage of the budget in the House of Representatives.

But does that mean democratic domination of the legislative decision?

In fact, the US Senate, which is under Republican control, is the upper chamber of Congress, with the final passing of laws, and has higher powers than the House of Representatives.

These powers include the confirmation of presidential appointments to the Supreme Court, lower federal courts, and key positions within the executive branch, as well as the approval or rejection of international treaties.

If an impeachment of a president or a member of the Supreme Court is brought to justice, Congress will hold the trial as a jury for this purpose, meaning that any action by the Democrats in this regard will find a major obstacle in the Senate.

In addition, the president has the power to issue executive orders, which go beyond the US Congress's rejection of certain laws.

Trump, who used executive orders to tighten immigration, pointed to the possibility of a return to executive orders if a bipartisan compromise is not reached in Congress on laws on deregulation and the dismantling of Obama's programs, notably the health care program. To the most recent and controversial proposal concerning the cessation of the granting of citizenship to foreigners born on American soil.

The US president can use Democrats' control of half of the legislative resolution to accuse US voters of trying to disrupt his promised executive agenda as part of early counter-propaganda for the upcoming presidential election.

But it seems that the "settlement" will be the closest to legislative decisions in Washington in the coming period, as expressed by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, when she said her party would use its majority to implement a bipartisan agenda for a country that suffered " Enough divisions. "