The "single wolves" are encouraged to play on the chord of France's protests

The terrorist "Daqash" organization has entered the line of demonstrations organized by the owners of the "yellow jackets" in France a few days ago to protest the high fuel costs and economic policies of President Emmanuel Macaron.
Several French cities, especially the capital, Paris, are in a state of alert because of the protests, which are attended by thousands of citizens.

According to The Sun newspaper on Tuesday, two groups affiliated with the hardliner organization have published posters encouraging "single wolves" to exploit the "yellow jackets" protests and carry out attacks against civilians.

One of the posters said: "Oh wolves alone, take advantage of the protests in France."

The poster included photographs of the operations adopted by the "Al-Dawash" in their attacks, such as stabbing, shooting, setting fire, and trampling pedestrians.

According to intelligence information, "two armed groups belonging to Da'ish issued these posters separately."

Earlier, French security forces expressed concern and fear that extremists would infiltrate demonstrations, raising the challenge of controlling the masses.

On Saturday, violent protests broke out in Paris, particularly on Champs-Elysées, which turned into Mau Square