US court condemns Syria for terrorism

A US federal court in Arizona has convicted Syria in 2011 of designing and assembling electronic parts to make remote-controlled explosive devices aimed at attacking US forces in Iraq, US officials said.
The judge, known as Ahmed Ibrahim al-Ahmad, 41, was sentenced to life imprisonment and 30 years in prison after being convicted by a jury on March 16 of six counts linked to terrorism, the Justice Department said on Wednesday.

The officials said Ahmad was arrested in Turkey in 2011 under an arrest warrant from Interpol and was held there until he was handed over to the United States in August 2014.

The first charge directed at Ahmed was the design and assembly of parts involved in the manufacture of wireless detonators and electronic circuit boards used in IEDs to target US forces in Iraq.

According to the accusation, Ahmed made wireless systems in a house in Baghdad, with components obtained between 2005 and 2010 from an unnamed company located in Arizona.