A woman sued a hotel worldwide because of a "deviant employee"

A US woman sued Hilton Hotels after a strange incident in which a hotel employee filmed her during a shower.
An unnamed woman said a Hilton employee filmed her shower without her knowledge while staying at a Hilton hotel in New York, according to the New York Times.

The prosecutor said the perpetrator attempted to blackmail her by video, posting it on the Internet and sending it to her colleagues at work.

The victim has now decided to sue the Hilton hotel chain and claim a $ 100 million compensation for her psychological suffering during a stay at their hotel and by a former employee.

Although the video was filmed in 2015, the victim received a copy in September when an anonymous video link was posted on a porn site.

"I clicked on the video and saw myself in the bathroom," the victim said. "I started screaming. It was very disturbing."

The woman said that the accused continued to send e-mails afterwards, confessing that he was sexually deviant, and demanded that he send him a video of his own specifically, so that he would take a shower video from pornographic sites.

After refusing to obey the defendant's demands, the latter decided to send the video to all her colleagues to work, and claim a material amount, prompting her to file a lawsuit against the hotel.