Trump bows in front of China ... and abandons the most important American principle

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump has proposed that the United States abandon one of its most important principles in its dealings with world nations in an effort to resolve trade disputes with China.
Bloomberg said Trump suggested that the United States should ignore the principle of separation of powers if his talks with his Chinese counterpart, Xi, led to good results.

Trump said the Federal Reserve should keep interest rates low to help the economy weather a trade war.

Trump also proposed that he intervene with the US Department of Justice in the case of the executive officer of Huawei, a Chinese company held by Canada, for several days, if that would help secure a trade deal with China.

"American officials have for decades struggled to convince their foreign counterparts of the separation of powers ... they have not convinced all the people all the time," said Bloomberg. "But America has always been keen to show a role model."