Here are 25 ways to use silica bags


Do not dispose of silica bags after today because it will really benefit you when purchasing new shoes, bags, tools, or even vitamins. We find inside them a small bag of silica (carbon dioxide). The primary use of silica is to keep these things from moisture that causes them harm. Although it is important to keep the silica bag out of the reach of children, you do not have to get rid of it permanently as it can be used in several other ways.

Here are 25 ways to use silica bags

1- Save the mobile phone or any device that is damaged by water:

If your mobile falls into the water, it can be saved by drying the mobile with a towel, then removing the battery and memory card and placing them in a dish with silica bags.

2- Preserving photos:

The photos are prone to damage due to moisture, so be sure to put the silica bag along with the pictures in the box you keep. Or, pictures can be attached with a silica bag to protect it from the humid environment.

3- Preserving important papers:

Important papers such as a birth certificate, marriage contract, and land or real estate title deeds, to protect these papers from moisture with a silica bag.

4- Keeping curtains, towels and other textile materials from bad smell and mold:

When storing things made of fabric for a long time, it is preferable to put with or between them silica bags to protect them from moisture and unpleasant smell

5- Preserving unused clothes, coats, and seasonal clothes:

Put silica bags in your cupboard and between clothes to keep them from moisture and mildew

6- Absorb moisture from glass and mirrors:

To keep windows from air condensation, silica bags are placed on the side or side of windows to absorb moisture

7- Keep the car windshield from the fog:

You can put silica bags on the car dashboard to keep them, on the windshield, from a fog

8- Preserving households electronic electrical tools such as mixers, cameras and unused devices:

It is possible to find devices in the home that are used only rarely, so they must be protected from moisture, rust, and damage by storing silica bags with them to preserve them. Also, it can protect the engines of sleeper cars from damage.

9- Maintaining the tool box, cupboards and gun safe:

Silica bags keep these things from rusting

10- Extend the life of razor blades:

Moisture and oxidation make razor blades rust, and to prevent them from rusting quickly, put the silica bags with them in a small plastic dish

11- Storage of girls' seeds:

If you have plant seeds you want to plant for the next season, keep them with a silica bag to keep them from rot

12- Preserving the leather belongings:

When storing shoes, boots with a long neck - bot and leather bags, silica bags should be placed with them to keep them from moisture

13- Protection of travel bags:

When storing travel bags for a long time, their smell changes and becomes foul and musty. Silica bags are placed with them to protect them from mold and moisture.

14- Preserve the accessories and decorations:

After using the decorations for the holidays and the month of Ramadan, we keep them for a year, and they are subject to damage and moisture. Storing silica bags with it keeps it longer

15- Preventing silver and jewelry from fading and losing their sparkle:

Putting a silica bag in the jewelry box helps prevent it from fading and losing its sparkle

16- Maintaining private belongings such as videos and souvenirs:

Keeping private belongings and souvenirs from moisture and dehydration, keeping silica bags with them.

18- Used in drying leaves and flowers:

Use the silica bag as an easy and fast way to dry flowers and leaves for use in decoration and decoration

19- Reusing the silica bag as a desiccant:

Open the bag and sprinkle the granules inside the silica bag with the essential oil

20- Install makeup:

Make-up, eyeshadow, shave and all these preparations may be damaged by moisture. This can be prevented by storing silica bags with the makeup case

21- Keeping the camera bag moisture:

If you often use the camera outside the house when it is humid or cold, very simply put inside the camera bag a silica bag to protect the camera and the viewfinder from steam and fog

22- Fresh Gym and Coated Lockers Recovery:

Moisture in the gym, especially your gym bag and your locker can attract bacteria and bad odor, to make these things clean and fresh, put silica bags with them to keep them

23- Preservation of books:

To protect book pages from moisture, yellowing and mold, place silica bags between books and pages

24- Keeping pet food dry:

Place the silica bags under your pet's food plates, and you should make sure that these animals reach them

25- Preserving herbs and spices:

Keeping herbs and spices for a longer period may put silica bags with them

Note: Silica bags have a specific life and then stop working after collecting and absorbing a lot of moisture. It can be reused by placing it in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for two hours and then keeping it inside a sealed carton until used again.

Warning: If you have young children at home, do not put silica bags within reach of children because they are toxic when you eat. The child may think that it is sweets or safe to eat. Do not use silica bags near food, the kitchen, or next to pets, as they are toxic and not eaten