How do you have an unforgettable memory?

With age, the brain suffers from many problems, and may develop diseases such as Alzheimer's and others, so specialists are advised to exercise a range of activities to maintain mental activity, according to Time reported:
Reading books

Reading helps keep the brain energized and memory and receives new information. However, experts advise not to continue reading for long hours in order not to backfire. A mind like a hard drive can save millions of information until it reaches a certain level. Hard to remember in any way.

Practice chess

According to a French study conducted in 2013, tablet and paper games and various intelligence games, especially chess, help to reduce the incidence of dementia by 15 percent as these games help to build up what is known as cognitive perception, which makes the brain more memorable.

Studying a foreign language

The incidence of dementia with age is less than four and a half years for people who can speak a foreign language different from their native language, according to scientific research.


Recent medical studies indicate that students who write their notes by hand writing are more able to remember, as well as having a better mental activity than their colleagues, who rely on notes and study on computers and smart phones.

Play a musical instrument

Scientists have discovered that people who have continued to play a musical instrument for 10 consecutive years are more able to remember than those who do not play any instrument.

Social Media
This is the best activity to maintain mental health by having many friendships and spending a long time with friends and family. Social communication helps to keep the brain active.