An American woman first voted for her life

A 82-year-old US woman from Texas has decided to vote for the first time in the midterm elections last Thursday and has already cast her vote for a four-day break.
Grace Le Phillips had never voted in an American election when her granddaughter took her to an early voting center on Thursday at Grand Prairie.

After her vote and death, Leslie Renmore said of her late grandmother, NBC News, "She is a proud American and a proud woman."

Although suffering from pneumonia and moving to a nursing home, Phillips insisted on voting this time and the oxygen tubes stuck in her nose, telling everyone she met that she would vote this year.

But Felice's vote was her last. Four days after she cast her vote in the early elections, Phillips died on Monday morning from illness and her family surrounded her.

On Tuesday, Americans voted to renew the 435-seat House of Representatives and 35 Senate seats.

The election resulted in Democrats wresting control of the House of Representatives from Republicans who maintained their control of the Senate.