"IPhone" .. The dramatic change will happen in 2020

Apple is planning to launch an iPhone for its next-generation 4G network by 2020, according to a recent technical report.
Fast Company, an unnamed Apple source, said the company would launch phones with the Intel 8161 chip, which supports the fifth-generation networks, in 2020, and that an 8060 chip was being tested, developed for testing purposes .

The development of this category of phones faces the challenges of the high temperature caused by the processing of waveforms (between 30 and 300 GHz), which will be used by telecommunications providers, to link the supporting phones to the new generation of the network, Gizmodo noted.

In addition to rising heat, developers working on the fifth-generation network are facing another problem: battery life, where transient heat stores electrical energy in the battery.

Apple has been approved by the Federal Communications Commission to test the waveform technology to join competing companies such as Huawei and Samsung, which has already announced its intention to introduce devices supporting the fifth generation networks next year, so that by then available two or three of this generation in parts From the United States, as well as networks in some cities around the world.