Mistakes during bathing destroy your hair and skin .. Avoid them

Many do not feel they make mistakes during showering, perhaps because they do not notice an immediate result, but these mistakes will lead to subsequent negative consequences, the price of which is high.
He reviewed the site of the US misskyra, a number of serious mistakes during bathing, and presented tips to prevent them:

High temperature for a long time

We all love to take a warm bath, but the problem is that it is not perfect for the skin. Bathing with hot water for a long time strips the skin of its natural grease, and it can develop into a feeling of dryness and itching.

In a more serious scenario, a hot water addict may become infected with a rash. To avoid this, it is recommended to shower for between 10-15 minutes at maximum, and with water of moderate temperature.

Use the lava harshly

It is supposed to be used gently while rubbing the skin, but hard rubbing means the removal of barriers to prevent skin and decrease the body's moisture, which will result in the production of large amounts of fatty material purified by the body to compensate for the moisture lost, and eventually may occur bacterial infections.

Wash hair daily

The use of shampoo daily removes hair and scalp from essential oils, and may lead to hair loss, as well as causing "dandruff".

Therefore, if you have thin, soft hair, you should wash it with shampoo twice a week. If your hair is coarse, use shampoo once a week.

Sediments in shampoo

Wherever bathing is, one must make sure that the shampoo that he uses is clean and free of sediment. If you do not, the sediment will fill pores and lead to ulcers and acne, so prefer to put shampoo and head tilted until the sediment, if any, is removed from the rest of the body's skin.

Massage with nails

Massage the hair with the fingers feels comfortable, but not so for the hair and scalp, as it can lead to scratches in the scalp, and may develop to contribute to hair loss, so prefer to use the fingertips to rub the shampoo in the head, and be done well.

Misuse of conditioner

Negative use of this conditioner may cause acne to appear above the shoulders and back, so it makes sense to wash the body again, because the conditioner leaves a layer of oil.

Old sponges

These sponges combine bacteria and mold because of the conditions in which they are stored, so the idea of ​​using a sponge for six months is a bad idea, and the ideal period looks only one month. It is preferable to keep the sponge after bathing in a dry place.