Woman Goes To Hospital To Birth Quintuplets When Doctor Says ‘I'm Sorry’

Paul Servat always wanted a family. So, when he finally found his soul mate, Barbara Bienvenue, he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her. Up until now, becoming a father had seemed like a dream. Now, it was a reality. All of Servat’s friends and family had children so he couldn’t wait to start his own family. When Bienvenue became pregnant with quintuplets, everyone rejoiced.


Throughout the pregnancy, more than a few issues arose. Then, when the day of the birth came around, the trip to the hospital shocked everyone. When they arrived at the hospital, everything seemed fine, at first. Unfortunately, they had no idea the surprise that would come…

1. Growing Old

Paul Servat was a man living in Montreal surrounded by lots of loving family and friends. One day, he took a look at his life and realized he needed a lot more than he had. Servat found himself in his mid-thirties and alone, working to the bone six days a week. Meanwhile, his friends and families all had children and lovers. So, Servat decided to make a change.

Servat realized that, deep down, he wanted to build a family of his own. Thankfully, he finally had the time to do so. Servat found himself in a stable career path, relatively healthy, and finally ready to settle down. However, first, he’d need to find someone to spend the rest of his life with. So, Servat decided to go out of his comfort zone and try to meet his other half.

2. Trying Dating Sites

Nowadays, technology can help those who don’t have the time to go out and meet people in conventional ways. Because of his job, Servat didn’t have time or energy to go out on a thousand dates to find the perfect someone. He needed to find a better solution.

So, Servat turned to a dating web site, in the hopes it would find him the perfect match, quickly. After a little time searching, a woman named Barbara Bienvenue caught his attention. Despite their slight age difference, they began talking. Soon, Servat fell for her bubbly personality and how he could make her laugh. They developed a special bond and Servat though he might have found the one.

3. A Fleeting Romance 

Bienvenue and Servat immediately felt like they had each found the right person. And, both in their thirties, they did not want to waste any time. So, after a few weeks of chatting with each other, they decided to meet in Montreal.

From the moment they first saw each other, Bienvenue and Servat immediately clicked. Over the next few weeks, they dated constantly. Soon, their relationship developed into so much more than a fleeting romance. Servat fell in love with Barbara, trusting her despite the fact they’d only known each other for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, he was about to find out why you should never fully trust a stranger.

4. Delightful News 

Just two months after they started dating, Bienvenue told Servat they needed to have a serious conversation. They were still getting to know each other, still deciding if the other was the perfect one. However, everything seemed perfect, so Servant didn’t really know what on earth she could possibly want to discuss. 

As Bienvenue walked into the room, she had a big smile on her face while proceeding to give him the incredible news: she was pregnant. Servat stood, perplexed for a moment, trying to process the news. But once he did, a big smile sprung on his face as well. At last, he was going to be a father!

5. Neighbors Rejoiced

Just a few months ago, Servat dreamed of establishing a life and family with the right person. Now, his dream had become a reality, right in front of his eyes. Every morning, Servat woke up, thrilled at the fact he had become a father-to-be. It was as though everything had been handed to him on a silver platter.

After Servat’s family and friends heard the delightful news, they all felt happy for the couple. As a way to show the soon-to-be parents their excitement, friends and family held a small party for them. At the party, the group started a countdown to the big day. And no one looked more excited than Servat!