Iron grain .. When necessary or forbidden?

The iron pill pharmacies, which many are reluctant to eat at random without consulting a doctor, are rife with whether these supplements are necessary or have side effects.

The body needs iron in particular to do many vital functions, the most important of which is the production of sufficient amounts of red blood cells a day, which ensures carrying oxygen to all parts of the body.

Iron plays an important role in transforming the various nutrients into energy, maintaining the health of neurotransmitters and muscular coordination in the body, according to the web site "Medicine", which referred to cases that require the intake of iron pills.


When the percentage of iron in the body decreases, this means that the amounts of oxygen entering the cells decrease due to the lack of red cells, or iron deficiency anemia.

The most important symptoms of anemia expected to appear in the patient: fatigue, exhaustion, general weakness, dizziness, dizziness, difficulties in concentration, weakness and hair loss and skin pigmentation.

Anemia may cause a number of diseases such as: gastrointestinal cancers and blood loss due to severe bleeding.

Women during menstruation

Because of the menstrual cycle, women are generally more likely to develop anemia than men, especially if the cycle is severe and severe.


Pregnant women need to take many nutrients daily for a healthy pregnancy, this includes iron.

Pregnant women generally need an unusually high amount of iron, which may make them necessary during pregnancy.


During the period of his growth, and in the case of the sixth month of age, the child needs iron in particular, because the child's iron stock obtained from the mother during his womb ends during the first six months of his life.

Other cases

Iron supplementation is recommended in the following cases: people who exercise regularly, patients who are regularly dialysis, and who have attention deficit and hyperactivity.

Doctors recommend iron supplements for people who take drugs that cause iron absorption,

Prevention cases

It is preferable to avoid iron pills for iron-hoarding patients, people over the age of 50 years, because their needs of iron are lower, as well as those who follow a diet rich in iron.

Iron tablets are followed by complications such as constipation, nausea, stomach discomfort, vomiting, and black stool.

In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor to know if you need to take iron pills or not, as well as know the appropriate dose for you, and for any period of time to be addressed.